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Blog How To Finish Stitching Strong

How To Finish Stitching Strong


Lost your stitching mo-jo? We get it, sticking with a stitching project can be a real struggle sometimes. To get yourself out of a stitching slump, these top tips will show you how to finish stitching strong, rediscover your motivation and take time to sit, stitch and relax.

1. Keep your stitching in sight

If you pack your stitching project away, it’s very easy to forget about it and lose the motivation to stitch. Keep your stitching stuff to hand, then all you have to do is pick up and start stitching.

2. Set targets

Set realistic daily stitching targets. Even if it’s a small goal at first, like 10 minutes a day, build up your stitching stamina. Little and often is better than none at all. The more you fall behind on a project, the less motivated you will be. Trying to make up for lost stitching time by cramming in a 5-hour session isn’t realistic, so start small.

3. Pick projects you will enjoy

You will lose interest in a project if it’s not something you truly want to stitch. Picking the right stitching project to begin with is a great way to stay motivated to finish.

4. Sort out your stitching space

If your stitching spot is cluttered, this can put you off your projects. Your stitching space needs to be inviting, cosy and comfortable. The last thing you will want to do is stitch in a spot that looks less than relaxing.

5. Do something else while you stitch

Got a favourite TV show or movie? Enjoy a good audio book? Turn on the TV or listen to an audio book and set yourself stitching goals while tuning into something else. For example, stitch for an episode of your favourite TV show or an entire movie or aim to have so much done after listening to a few chapters of an audio book.

6. Try a different setting

If you’re stitching while staring at four walls, there’s very little to inspire you. Why not try stitching in a different setting? Even if it’s just in the garden or why not head down to your local park? You’ll be amazed how a change of scene can spark your inspiration to stitch.

7. Set a deadline

Setting a deadline gives you a more concrete stitching goal and a sense of urgency. If you have an open ended timeline, this gives you no real motivation to finish a project. A deadline will make you more disciplined and determined to get your stitching projects done. Give it a try.

8. Join a stitching community

Add an extra layer of motivation to your projects by joining a stitching community. Not only will fellow stitchers motivate you, but you can champion them too… it’s a win-win. Some communities set stitch battles, where others will work on the same piece and it’s a race to see who can finish the fastest.

Stitchingly offers monthly finishing masterclasses, giving you top tips on how to stay motivated and see your stitching projects through to end.

9. Keep a record of your stitching journey

A great way to motivate yourself to finish your stitching projects is to record your progress. Take pictures of each project as you stitch so you can see how far you’ve come and how the project came together.

With Stitchingly, you can manage your projects with ease and track your progress. You can upload photos to create a visual diary of your stitching journey.

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If you’re wondering how to finish stitching strong, join the Stitchingly family for access to tutorials, tools, products, and community to help you spend more time cross stitching.

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